Monday, July 2, 2012

Classic Catering Donates to the Community

What is one of our most frequently asked questions we receive from clients like you?

"Will there be enough food for everyone?"

Of course! Here's a pretty cool fact about Classic Catering: When given an accurate guest count, we are known for never running out of food. Lispeth has mastered the art (and math) of making enough of each dish so that you don't run out of food.

The follow-up question is always then, "What do you do with leftover food?"

Well first, we leave it (packaged nicely) for you to enjoy later, or to share with coworkers, friends and family. Some clients, however, prefer that we donate it to the local community. Some of our frequent leftover drop-off locations include:

City Union Mission
Local Women's Shelters
Ronald McDonald House Charities

We also recycle paper, plastic, glass and cardboard on a daily basis. Stay tuned for a blog dedicated solely to our recycling efforts!

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